Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 2, 2023

17 powerful tips to help you learn English fast


(This post is just a summary of that video)

1. Set a goal.

People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. 

Ask yourself, do you have a goal for your English learning?

So you're not only saying this is my goal, but you're saying this is when I want to achieve it. Because putting a deadline on your goal ensures that you take actionAnd it also helps you do the right things. If you don't have a deadline for this goal, then it doesn't give you the urgency, and it doesn't make you really focus on doing this now. But if you have a deadline, then it makes you take action today.

2. Ensure that you are using and practicing your English daily.

If that sounds overwhelming, then know that you can just do a little bit every day. I talk about something called the 10+ minute method, where you commit to something for 10 minutes a day. And if you want to do more, you can, if you don't, that's fine too. But doing this makes it easier to start, because you only have to commit to 10 minutes, and it creates the habit of doing something daily.

The habit of doing something every day is really going to help you progress quickly.

3. Listen to English as much as possible

The more you listen to English, the more you'll get used to the language, and also internalize the different structures.

4. Be grateful for all the resources that you have available.

5. Do what you do now, but do it in English, and turn your life into an English life. 

You can watch TV in English, watch movies in English, and listen to English music. You can research the latest iPhone in English, and read the reviews in English if it's something you want to buy. You can learn new things in English. You can read the news in English, and change your mobile phone to English.

6. Know that native speakers don't care when you make mistakes. 

Don't let the fear of making mistakes hold you back, which means stopping you from practicing your English.

7. Get out of your comfort zone. 

Booking an online lesson with a language teacher; practicing, speaking, and listening to your own voice

8. Keep a journal. Write every day

Write down your thoughts, write down what you want to do today, and what you did yesterday. It's a great way to practice the different tenses as well. It is such a powerful way to improve because when you're writing, you can take your time to create sentences.

9. Avoid learning single words. Learn sentences and phrases.

10. Focus on the English you need to know.

Focus on words and phrases that are useful to you. And then also focus on topics that you like to speak about. For example, if you need English for business meetings, then focus on business English phrases.

Being efficient, because you have limited time.

11. Don't worry about grammar rules

12. Repetition

Find sentences that are specific to you, and repeat them. In order to internalize something, in order to memorize something, you need to repeat it.

13. Repeat phrases out loud

You find a phrase in English, a sentence, or an audio phrase, repeat it, and record yourself. You listen to your version, and then you compare it to the original. And then you think, okay, how can I improve the way I'm saying this? You give yourself feedback.

14. Find someone to practice with

This is where you really just fine-tune your English, where you feel good about speaking with somebody. And then you also gain confidence, because you notice that your English is improving, but it also helps you just get that practice that you need in order to use your English in the real world.

15. Commit over the longterm

It takes hours, and hours, and hours and hours of practice to improve. And sometimes you're going to improve without noticing this. 

Focus on doing the right things consistently.

16. Have fun, and enjoy this whole process.

Doing things that interest you.

You can enjoy this process. When you're doing the sentences out loud, if you make mistakes, laugh, and enjoy it.

17. Be proud of the progress you have made.

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